Israel 2016

Landed in Tel Aviv and found my way to my AirBnB house, which was this center for sustainable living and teaching people vegan lifestyle. Staying there was an awesome experience in itself ❤️

Beautiful workspace

Beautiful workspace

I experienced mild homesickness (it was expected) as I usually do at the beginnings of a trip..

WIth project deadlines I couldn't get into "travel mode" and just stayed at the house working. It was making the homesickness even worse so I thought, why not walk to Old Jaffa and explore that area... resulting in a bad sunburn but a very happy day 😅


Onto Jerusalem...

Just my personal experience, but though Jerusalem was full of history and culture, I've never seen so many shops, business and random kids try to scam every living thing in sight. I was prime target for scammers and had a hard time enjoying the city because I always had to be on guard. It wasn't your typical 'mark up the price 5x' scam, they got real creative. Coming out of Jerusalem I learned how to stand up for myself in a cool manner, instead of getting frustrated or outraged. One day I might dedicate a post on how to outsmart scammers around the world (and have some fun doing it) 😜😏

I don't have much experience with hostels but that was about to change. I stayed at the Abraham Hostel for 10 days and the Post Hostel for a week, both pretty lively and great places to meet new people. (vague description, i know..). 

I use to hate eggplant, after Israel I can't get enough of it!

I use to hate eggplant, after Israel I can't get enough of it!

Probably my favorite day - outing to the Dead Sea!!

In the end, I was still not sure what drew me to visit Israel. My parents loved it so much but it was a huge disappointment to me. I'm still learning how I like to travel, which kinds of activities make me happy, foods, weather, people, and this was not it. *womp*

Maybe 2 weeks here is too long...